Short Answer
The two terms “Twin flame” and “Soulmate” are often used interchangeably to describe a special kind of life partner. But are the two terms really the same from a spiritual perspective? Let’s take a closer look at the meanings of both terms, and see what the differences are:
What is the definition of a “soulmate”?
A soulmate is a romantic partner who shares the same spiritual energy as you — or as Los Angeles-based intuitive and psychic Stephanie Marks explains, “A soulmate relationship is one where two partners just ‘click‘ like they’re both on the same emotional and spiritual wavelength. The feeling can be so totally natural and feels so right that there’s an overwhelming feeling that the two of you are like twins on a deep spiritual level.”
It feels so ‘right’ that there’s an overwhelming feeling that the two of you are like twins on a deep spiritual level.
There are many different types and sub-categories of soulmates, including “karmic soulmates“, “romantic soulmates“, “kindred spirits” and “companion soulmates” — each with its own unique traits and characteristics. For the most part however, the broad definition above applies to each of the soulmate relationship sub-categories. That is: All types of soulmate couples share a common energy and wavelength with each other.
What is the definition of a “twin flame”?
While soulmates and twin-flames are often used interchangeably, they are actually quite different. Where soulmates share nearly identical spiritual energies, twin-flames tend to have different but complimentary energies. “Twin flames are like separated puzzle-pieces of a greater spiritual whole.”, says Marks, “They meet, fall in love, and most importantly — they fill-in each others’ weaknesses and back each other up in ways that make each of them into better, stronger and happier people.”
they fill-in each others’ weaknesses and back each other up in ways that make each of them into better, stronger and happier people
Couples in a twin-flame relationship often say that they simply “belong together”. Twin flame couples can be remarkably stable and long-lasting, as the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
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What’s better, a soulmate relationship or a twin-flame relationship?
A common dating question is whether it’s better to find your soulmate or to find a twin flame. There’s no single definition of what makes a successful relationship. Relationships are often complex balancing acts, where different strengths and weaknesses offset each other between parters. “I think most people dream finding their soulmate and falling in love”, says Marks, “as soulmates are an exact spiritual match of each other in so many ways.
there are many times when soulmate life partners can share the same weaknesses as well as the same strengths
On the other hand, there are many times when soulmate life partners can share the same weaknesses as well as the same strengths. In these cases, a perfect soulmate match may be as frustrating as it is fulfilling. Twin flame couples on the other hand, can balance-out each others weaknesses. So the answer of what’s better, depends on your own character-type and your own personality profile of strengths and weaknesses.”
In other words, there is no “better” type of romantic relationship in a general sense. But there might be a relationship type that’s better for you.
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